The Innovation Spikes celebrate ground-breaking innovation, technology and problem solving. Standalone technological solutions including tools, products, models, platforms and other forms of ad tech will also be recognised, as well as creative campaigns utilising new tech.
The same piece of work may only be entered in either section A or B. Work can be entered up to two times in section ‘B. Innovation'. However, the same piece of work may only be entered once in ‘A. Early-Stage Technology’.
Work entered into 'A01. Early-Stage Technology' may be at prototype/pre-production stage. However pre-development ideas/concepts are not eligible. Entrants in all categories must be in a position to fully demonstrate any technology entered. Concepts alone will not be permitted.
Shortlisted entrants will be required to present their work to the jury online.
Work entered into 'A01. Early-Stage Technology' may be at prototype/pre-production stage. However pre-development ideas/concepts are not eligible. Entrants in all categories must be in a position to fully demonstrate any technology entered. Concepts alone will not be permitted.
Shortlisted entrants will be required to present their work to the jury online.
A. Early-Stage Technology
A01 Early-Stage Technology.
Work that showcases technology still in the prototype and beta stages of their creation. They may still be attracting funding or only operating at a fraction of their projected scale.
B. Innovation
B01 Brand Led Innovation. NEW
Brand-aligned, breakthrough and revolutionary ideas, and forward-thinking methods that are rooted in finding solutions to specific brand challenges and/or propelling a brand forward.
B02 Product Innovation. NEW
Products created and developed in response to a business or consumer challenge. This could include, but is not limited to, solutions-driven products, consumer experience, integration of technology into daily life and sustainability.
B03 Environmental Innovation. NEW
Work that demonstrates a positive environmental contribution. Innovative approaches to being regenerative and work that creates a long-term sustainable impact on the environment.
B04 Societal Innovation. NEW
Work that addresses complex societal challenges. Innovative solutions that seek to drive positive and transformative change. This could include, but not be limited to, education, healthcare, equality, financial inclusion, social justice and cultural norms.
B05 Technology. NEW
Breakthrough technology or solutions that aim to advance, enrich or improve a brand. This could include, but not be limited to data-led technologies, innovative platforms, tools, models, programmes, hardware, software, bespoke products and solutions.
B06 Fintech. NEW
Work that demonstrates innovative opportunities that aim to reshape the financial landscape. This could include, but not be limited to, expanding access in emerging markets by reducing costs, pioneering financial products that empower consumers and revolutionising payments to reshape how consumers handle their finances.