How do brand marketers in the Asia-Pacific region infuse creativity into their brand strategies?
Creativity is not just for today but for tomorrow and the future. Creativity serves as a tool to bring long-term value to a brand. A great creative idea should be consumer-centric, enhancing their experience and connecting with them on a deeper level to gain their genuine appreciation. This way, the consumer’s view of a brand will go beyond its product and functions, resonating with the value of it.
What motivated your team to submit Corona Extra Lime for the Creative Commerce Spikes?
Creativity wise, we believe the idea of Corona Extra Lime is just simple and natural. Back in 2019, Budweiser APAC launched the program with Anyue County, responding to Chinese government’s call for rural revitalisation. When we saw the problem of unstable supply of imported lime, we just wanted to solve it. And that’s what made Corona Extra Lime happen. Moreover, Corona Extra Lime is a ground-breaking business practice. It created this closed-loop business model, empowering rural revitalisation through the power of brand, and achieved significant business value. I think this aligns with what the Creative Commerce Spikes is about. We are more than happy to share with the creative industry our best practice through the participation of the award, and hope it’s truly inspiring.
是什么促使您的团队提交 Corona Extra Lime 参加创意商业顶尖奖项?
赢得Creative Commerce大奖,标志着科罗娜特选青柠项目不仅在创意上可圈可点,更因其创新的商业模式得到行业的广泛肯定。作为一个商业实践,它开创了独特的“青柠模式”,以品牌之力赋能乡村振兴,并取得了极高的商业价值,这与Creative Commerce奖的内涵不谋而合。我们也很荣幸通过这一平台与行业分享这一案例,为行业的创意商业实践带来更多启发。
How has your brand's participation in awards influenced its marketing and creative strategies?
Spikes Asia is a perfect platform to showcase our best practices and engage with outstanding peers. We are glad to see our innovation known by more people and hope it can inspire the industry to explore further into ‘business for good’. Meanwhile, winning the award encouraged us to craft more creative ideas that are truly consumer-centric and impactful, driving the synergy of creativity, business growth and social value.
像Spikes Asia这样的行业大奖,给了我们展示自身最佳实践、与优秀同业者深入交流的平台,使我们的创新为更多人所知晓,引领行业进一步探索创意中的商业向善。同时,行业的认可也使我们备受鼓舞,驱动我们继续以消费者为核心打造真正有影响力的营销创意,走品牌创意和商业向善协同发展之路。
What has winning at Spikes Asia brought to your brand?
The recognition from Spikes not only represents the appreciation from industry, but reaffirms our goal to go beyond the growth cycle with the power of brand. This undoubtedly inspires me and my team to continue to be consumer-centric and craft better creative ideas!