Spikes Asia celebrates creative excellence from Asia-Pacific, and for Japanese independent PR agency Honda Office Tokyo and their client Ajinomoto, this was their opportunity to make their mark.
We spoke with Rika Komakine, Retail Product Strategy Group1 Retail Business Dept. Sales and Marketing Division at Ajinomoto Frozen Foods Co.,Inc and Tetsuya Honda, CEO/PR Strategist at Honda Office Tokyo to discover why they entered ‘Frying Pan Challenge’ into Spikes Asia 2024, why the work got so much attention from consumers in Japan, the impact it had on Ajinomoto’s relationship with its customers, what winning a Spikes means to them as a brand and independent agency, and more.
You first submitted a similar campaign (The Dumpling Debate) to Cannes Lions in 2021. How has your strategy and approach towards awards evolved since then?
2021年に初めて同様のキャンペーン(The Dumpling Debate)をカンヌライオンズに応募しましたね。その後、アワードに対する戦略やアプローチはどのように進化しましたか?
Tetsuya Honda: As an agreement between the brand and the agency, we have gained momentum to actively enter domestic and international awards. We feel that it is meaningful for our efforts themselves to be recognised and become newsworthy.
本田哲也: ブランドとエージェンシーの合意として、国内外のアワードに積極的にエントリーしていこうという機運になりました。取り組み自体が評価されニュースになることに意味を感じています。
Why did you prioritise entering ‘Frying Pan Challenge’ into Spikes Asia 2024?
Tetsuya Honda: We thought that the affinity for the gyoza brand and the uniqueness of the campaign would be easily understood in Asia.
本田哲也: 餃子というブランドへの親和性やキャンペーンのユニークさが、アジアでは理解されやすいのではないかと思ったからです。
How challenging was it to develop a less sticking gyoza within a limited time frame for this campaign and how did you ensure that it was a success?
Rika Komakine: We have been making gyoza for 50 years. In that time, we have revised our product more than 50 times and have faced gyoza on a daily basis. This time, however, the challenge wasn't the gyozas, but rather getting them to not stick to the frying pan. It was our first experience not only to develop food products but also to look at the state of frying pans, and it was also very difficult to look at a huge number of pans as we gathered 3520 pieces.
駒木根 理花: 私たちは、50年間餃子を作り続けています。その中で50回以上の改訂を繰り返し、日々餃子と向き合ってきました。 しかし、今回は餃子ではなくフライパンに張り付く課題でしたので、食品の開発だけではなくフライパンの状態を見るという事が初めての経験でもあり、また3520個も集まったことで膨大な数のフライパンを見ることがとても大変でした。
What does winning a Spike mean to you, as an independent agency/brand?
Rika Komakine: In Japanese society, it is difficult to evaluate PR communications quantitatively, but receiving the evaluation of experts at the prestigious awards made us realise that our activities were not mistaken and that our thoughts were conveyed to the experts.
駒木根 理花: PRコミュニケーションの評価がなかなか定量的に捉えることが出来ない日本社会の中、権威あるアワードにおいて専門家の皆さまに評価いただくことで、活動が間違っていないことと、私たちの思いが専門家には伝わっていることを実感できました。
Tetsuya Honda: It gave us confidence to know that the context and cultural background of our campaign is also appreciated in Asia as a whole. It is also a great contribution to our reputation as an agency.
本田哲也: キャンペーンのコンテクストや文化背景がアジア全体でも評価されるということがわかり自信につながりました。エージェンシーとしての我々のレピュテーションにも大きく寄与するものです。
What can other markets learn from Japanese creativity?
Rika Komakine: This is the kind of PR we are doing in Japan, the subtlety and boldness of the Japanese people. I would like people to feel the sincerity of the Japanese people.
駒木根 理花: 日本でもこんなPRをやっているんだという事、日本人の繊細さと大胆さ。真摯な姿勢をぜひ感じていただきたいです。
Tetsuya Honda: Japan's unique culture and quality are popular worldwide. I think it is applicable to know what kind of creative thinking is behind it.
本田哲也: 日本特有のカルチャーやクオリテイは世界的に人気があります。その背景にどのような創造的な考え方があるのか、を知ることは応用性があると思います。
Why do you think the Frying Pan Challenge garnered such attention from consumers in Japan?
Rika Komakine: At first, the surprise of “Why are you going that far for the voice of one consumer?” I think that was a big part of the reason why the project attracted so much attention. After that, we launched a project called the Frying Pan Challenge before the memories of consumers fade. We were able to lead to a product renewal within a year, while reporting on the progress of the research on a special project page. We have continued to deliver news regularly before the interest of consumers wanes.
駒木根 理花: 最初は1生活者の声にそこまでするのか!という驚きによって注目を 集めた部分が大きかったと思います。その後は生活者の記憶が薄れな いうちに、フライパンチャレンジとしてプロジェクトを立ち上げ、 プロジェクトの特設ページで研究の進捗などをご報告しつつ 1年以内に製品リニューアルへと繋げられたので、 「そこまでやるのか味の素!」という話題に対し、生活者の興味関心が 薄れないうちに定期的によいニュースをお届けできたことが大きいのかなと思います。
What transformative impact did the "Frying Pan Challenge" have on Ajinomoto's narrative and its relationship with consumers?
Rika Komakine: Originally, our company has a deeply rooted sense of “perpetual improvement” in which we think about how we can make our products even better and continue to improve them. Not only in this case, but the entire company is thinking about what we can do to solve our customers' problems and concerns, and to help them enjoy their cooking and eating time more. I was genuinely happy that many of our customers were able to learn about our corporate stance and the passion behind our product improvements through the Frying Pan Challenge.
I was also very happy to see how many people supported Ajinomoto Frozen Foods through the many frying pans and the letters that were sent along with them, and I was able to feel the bond between our customers and our company.
駒木根 理花: 元々弊社には、製品をよりよいものにするにはどうしたら良いかを考え、改良を続ける、”永久改良”の意識が深く根付いています。今回の件に限らずお客様のお悩み・困りごとを解決し、より調理や食事の時間を楽しんでもらうためには何ができるのかを、会社全体で考えているのですが、中々そういった会社内の伝統や想いを伝える機会は限られているので、今回フライパンチャレンジという取組を通して、多くのお客様にそういった企業姿勢や製品改良の裏側にある熱い想いを知って頂けたことは純粋にうれしかったです。
What are the essential ingredients for building successful agency partnerships that drive impactful campaigns resonating deeply with audiences?
Rika Komakine: Have honest conversations without hiding, and expose the reality of the situation without being pretentious. I believe that the only way to achieve this was to carefully do what we could do as a company and as a PR team, without overstretching ourselves. I am also grateful to the agency for their sense and effort in understanding and expressing our feelings.
駒木根 理花: 隠すことなく本音で会話し、かっこつけずに実態をさらけ出すこと。背伸びをせずに企業として、PRチームとして出こることを丁寧に進めたことに尽きると思います。また、その気持ちを深く理解し表現したいただいたエージェンシーのセンスと努力によるものと感謝しています。
What advice can you give to other creatives when pitching bold ideas like this?
Tetsuya Honda: I think we need to consider not only the uniqueness of the idea, but also how people will react to it and how it will affect the brand when it is implemented.
本田哲也: アイデアのユニークさだけではなく、それを実行した際に人々がどのよう反応して、それがどのようにブランドに影響を与えるかまでの考察が必要だと思います。
What advice would you give to other independent PR agencies considering entering Spikes Asia?
Tetsuya Honda: Today, it is possible to design an influential campaign without necessarily having a large media budget, as long as you have a brilliant idea. I believe this is a great opportunity and advantage for independent PR agencies.
本田哲也: 現在は、必ずしも大きなメディア予算がなくとも、秀逸なアイデアさえあれば影響力のあるキャンペーンが設計できます。このことは、独立系のPRエージェンシーには大きなチャンスでありアドバンテージだと思います。
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